System of psychological vectors

Welcome to my site!

I am Michael Borodiansky — psychotherapist, consultant and business coach with 30 years of experience.

If you want to learn more about yourself, better understand the people around you, and start building strong, balanced relationships in your life, you've come to the right place.

Here you will get acquainted with my author's technique — the Psychological Vectors System, take the vector test, read my best-selling book and articles about vectors, visit the vector gallery with photographs, films and quotes that perfectly illustrate your vectors.

Here you can also order my individual consultations or training in any country.

Michael Borodiansky, MD

What is “vector potential”?
Vector potential is the inherent, genetically determined degree to which that vector can be realized... more »
What is “vector neurosis”?
Neurosis refers to critically low acceptance of a vector and its qualities, leading to unrealized potential and sometimes even psychosomatic diseases.

About the Psychological Vector System

At the beginning of the last century Sigmund Freud posited that a person’s character is somehow related to the sensitive orifices (mouth, nose, ears, eyes, etc.) on their body.

Back then he did not yet know or was not ready to openly declare that the sensitivity of our orifices governs every area of our lives: from our health to our sexual preferences to the profession we choose to how we conduct business.

This website will teach you about how the kind of person you are depends on your primary sensitive area, as well as how that information can help you throughout your life.

The author leans on gripping and often entertaining stories to discuss psychological tools you can apply to build strong relationships with your children, parents, close friends, and even strangers in business and your personal life.

Michael Borodiansky is a psychotherapist, a business trainer, the author of the Psychological Vector System, the author of many publications on the art of management and communication, and the father of fore children.
Since 1994 he has held 800 training seminars in Europe, Asia, the USA and Israel for more than 26,000 people.