System of psychological vectors

Vector Gallery

We collected 23 photos, 8 quotes, 5 movies and 0 links for Black vector:
Photos 23 See all
Quotes 8 See all
And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. Black vector
Forrest Gump
Having a pump is like having sex. I train two, sometimes three times a day. Each time I get a pump. It's great. I feel like I'm coming all day. Black vector
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Self improvement is masturbation. Now self destruction... Black vector
Tyler Durden, Fight Club
You can never really know the size of a person's brain until you have to clean it off the carpet. Black vector
Ben London, Mad Dog Time
Movies 5 See all
Forrest Gump Black vector
directed by Robert Zemeckis, USA, 1994
Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks
Pumping Iron (documentary) Black vector
directed by George Butler, USA, 1977
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Million Dollar Baby Black vector
directed by Clint Eastwood, USA, 2004
Maggie Fitzgerald, played by Hilary Swank